RDC Procedural Briefing Series III 31st Dec 2015

31 Dec 2015: Minutes:  Prepared by Manager- RDC

After the briefing of RDC procedures by RDC-Director, there was question/comments session from the participants

  1. Mr Sushil Shrestha inquired on
  2. 60:40 rule

He suggested that the overhead charges should be as per project size and as Tax system the bigger the projects in size and amount, the higher the contribution charged would justify.

  1. He even probed on implementation strategies for the funds collected though this new EC policy
  • He advised for regular skills oriented training to be conducted through RDC.


  1. Dr Nawaraj Khatiwada
  2. He advised on RDC finance policy being strong enough and not relying on Auditor’s compliance issues
  3. Opening of separate bank account for specific projects
  • To raise efficiency one door policy at RDC
  1. The proper planning/budgeting of spending in future from the leftover budget of projects
  2. More work on HR- position, remuneration of project staff


  1. Dr Rijan Bhakta Kayastha
  2.   Revisit EC policy on 60:40
  3. Procurement of both consumable/non-consumables for projects to be streamlined


  1. Mr Navendra Poudel
  2. For vehicle management- there should be clear planning for project Budget vs Expenditure
  3. Bus service charges for project appointed staff like RAs
  • Detail specifications and time frame needed for capital expenditure in case of project equipment purchase
  1. Template 3-cost breakdown should be formalized


  1. Dr Dhruva Gauchan
  2. As facilitator, RDC should also maintain confidentiality of patents and not let breach of contracts of the donors
  3. Suggestion for Provisioning of allowances for students dissertation projects
  4. Mr Manoj Shakya
  5. 60:40 decision is an opportunity for all staff to contribute for long term goals of the university
  6. He questioned on review of DSA rates as per inflation each year or on lecturers salary review basis
  • He suggested as technical and financial proposals are already in gmail and in electronic database, the confidentiality question is irrelevant.


  1. Dr Bim P Shrestha
  2. Suggested for ACRONYMs and Coding as per date/year/name of projects. He advised other PIs to trust RDC on confidentiality and limited accessibility to authorized body only with secure passwords
  3. He advised the access of RDC web site to relevant and related people with secure passwords
  • He asked whether research project of University is being commercialized. It can put credibility of the University in question.
  1. Bishnu Pandey
  2. He inquired on DSA of international students/experts visit as per KU’s rules and regulations
  3. Dhanpati Subedi
  4. He advised for swift communication process between RDC and projects in other schools


Final comments from RDC-Director

  1. RDC is a facilitating body under Office of Registrar and 60:40 policy is as per EC decision dated 22 Jan 2015
  2. Removal of Beta version after next EC meeting and Ethical review committee formation soon afterwards
  3. Procurement Manager is the sole authorized body for processing of capital assets.
  4. RDC-C after its inception will work on DSA revision in case of project staff.
  5. The internally funded policy would be for competent and capable lecturers/professors and organized in near fture