Please follow the steps as follows;
1. Classify if you want to purchase Consumable items or Non-consumables.
2. There are separate Order Forms for Consumables and Non-consumables.
3. Signed the Form separately as “माग गर्ने” and it is you (PI).
4. The form is to be signed as “सिफारिस गर्ने” by your HOD.
5. The form is to be signed as ” आदेश दिने” by your Dean
Do not place order without getting the Order Form approved.
Bring the Form to the Procurement Officer assigned by the Registrar. RDC directorate will assist you in identifying who is Procurement Officer and further on.
Once the item is purchased, you must have Store Entry number, without which payment to Client is not possible. Store Entry is now done at Respective Schools. Further please note payment to Client is done directly by RDC and note that you ask for advance and do the settlements at a later date.
Directorate of RDC will assist you if you are having problem with Store Entry. Please communicate us immediately in case of any hurdles encountered.
Director- RDC