Title of the Thesis: Corporate citizenship behavior of public listed companies in Nepal – a measurement of their preparedness in global compact
Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Achyut Prasad Wagle
Title of the Thesis: Corporate citizenship behavior of public listed companies in Nepal – a measurement of their preparedness in global compact
Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Achyut Prasad Wagle
Title of the Thesis: Consumers’ adaption of online shopping in Nepal
Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Binod Krishna Shrestha
Title of the Thesis: Risk perception behavior and risk coverage practices in urban housing in Nepal
Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Bijay Kumar KC
Title of the Thesis: Ethical leadership and mindfulness in case of Nepali businesses
Supervisor(s): Asso. Prof. Dr. Arjun K. Shrestha
Title of the Thesis: Dynamic impact of microcredit on socio-economic development in Nepal
Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Devi Prasad Sharma Bedari
Title of the Thesis: Investors’ protection: do capital market regulations and market outcomes matter?
Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Devi Prasad Sharma Bedari
Title of the Thesis: Factor influencing informal learning & performance within the context of SME – case of Nepal
Supervisor(s): Asso. Prof. Dr. Arjun K. Shrestha
Title of the Thesis: Operation & maintenance of financing of sustainable rural water system – a case from Nepal
Supervisor(s): Prof.Dr. Subodh Sharma, Prof. Dr. Achyut Prasad Wagle
Title of the Thesis: Optimizing database queries using Genetic Algorithms
Supervisor(s): Pro. Dr. Manish Pokharel
Title of the Thesis: Building an optimal model for Intrusion Detection System to protect Educational IT infrastruture
Supervisor(s): Dr. Bal Gopal Bal, Dr. Rabindra Bista