Jyoti chandra ojha
Title of the Thesis: Assessing knowledge and preventive behaviour on covid-19 among teachers of community schools: A mixed methods study
Supervisor(s): assoc prof. Dr prakash chandra bhattarai, prof.dr. bhimsen devkota
Title of the Thesis: Assessing knowledge and preventive behaviour on covid-19 among teachers of community schools: A mixed methods study
Supervisor(s): assoc prof. Dr prakash chandra bhattarai, prof.dr. bhimsen devkota
Title of the Thesis: Envisioning Relationships-Responsible Mathematics Teaching-Learning as a Jesuit: A Contemplative Auto/Ethnographic Inquiry
Supervisor(s): Prof. Bal Chandra Luitel
Title of the Thesis: Connecting School Education with Agriculture and Entrepreneurship Using STEAM Education Approaches: A Participatory Action Research in Nepal
Supervisor(s): Prof. Bal Chandra Luitel
Title of the Thesis: Work based learning through school production unit in TVET institutions
Supervisor(s): Dr. Suresh Gautam, Dr. Jay Raj Awasthi
Title of the Thesis: Contribution of head teachers' leadership to student learning achievement: a survey of technical education and vocational training (TEVT) schools
Supervisor(s): Dr. Maeshnath Parajuli
Title of the Thesis: Whole school approach to school improvement: a participatory action research
Supervisor(s): Asso. Prof. Dr. Dhanapti Subedi
Title of the Thesis: Exploring the practices of democratic citizenship in English language classrooms in secondary schools in Nepal: mixed-method research
Supervisor(s): Dr.Laxman Gnawli, Dr. Prakash Bhattarai
Title of the Thesis: The relationship between education and economy of Mulpani residents: A mixed methods approach
Supervisor(s): Prof. Mana Prasad Wagley, Associate Prof. Prakash C Bhattarai
Title of the Thesis: Classroom assessment practice and student achievement in community schools
Supervisor(s): Dr. Lekha Nath Poudel, Dr. Shesh Kanta Pangeni
Title of the Thesis: cultural role in entrepreneurial orientation among management students in Kathmandu valley: An explanatory sequential mix methods study
Supervisor(s): Dr. Prakash Chandra Bhattari, Dr. Binod Krishna Shrestha