Pratima Thapaliya
Title of the Thesis: Enriching Inclusive Science Education For Critical Scientific Literacy of Prospective Science Teachers: A Transformative Action Research
Supervisor(s): Prof. Bal Chandra Luitel
Title of the Thesis: Enriching Inclusive Science Education For Critical Scientific Literacy of Prospective Science Teachers: A Transformative Action Research
Supervisor(s): Prof. Bal Chandra Luitel
Title of the Thesis: The relationship between education and employment: A mixed methods study of technical and vocational education and training in Nepal
Supervisor(s): Prof. Mahesh Nath Parajuli, Prof. Ursula Renold
Title of the Thesis: Using Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in English classrooms: a case study
Supervisor(s): Prof. Laxman Gnawali, Prof Jai Raj Awasthi
Title of the Thesis: Lived Experiences of Stigma and Discrimination by Children Affected by AIDS
Supervisor(s): Prof. Bhim Prasad Subedi
Title of the Thesis: Developing A Vision for STEAM- Based Mathematics Education in Nepal : An Auto/Ethnographic Inquiry
Supervisor(s): Prof. Bal Chandra Luitel
Title of the Thesis: Mechanical Polycentric Knee Joint for Pediatric Prosthesis
Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Bhola Thapa
Title of the Thesis: Condition monitoring of hydraulics turbines exposed to sediment erosion
Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Bhola Thapa, Prof. Dr. Hari P.Neopane, Dr.Sailesh Chitrakar
Title of the Thesis: Characterization of Thermal Properties for energy Efficient Building Techniques Application for Residential Buildings in Nepal.
Supervisor(s): Dr. Bibek Baral
Title of the Thesis: Optimal Operational Security within Smart-Grid and Hydropower Systems
Supervisor(s): Associate Professor Thomas Øyvang -USN, Adjunct Professor Gunne John Hegglid -USN, Prof. Dr. Bhupendra Bimal Chhetri, Dr. Shailendra Kumar Jha - KU
Title of the Thesis: Reserve Capacity pricing in hydro-dominated market and its impact in energy cost of partially integrated markets
Supervisor(s): Dr. Ram Kaji Budhathoki, Dr. Kamal Chapagai