Umesh Jung Thapa
Title of the Thesis: Seismic Response Analysis of Underground Structures in Himalayan Region.
Supervisor(s): Dr. Shyam Sundar Khadka
Title of the Thesis: Seismic Response Analysis of Underground Structures in Himalayan Region.
Supervisor(s): Dr. Shyam Sundar Khadka
Title of the Thesis: Basin Scale Flood and Sediment Transport Analysis and Modelling under Climate Change for Effective Flood Plain Management.
Supervisor(s): Dr. Prachand Man Pradhan, Prof. Dedi Liu
Title of the Thesis: Development of Seismic Control System for Seismic Protection of Historic Structures with the Application of Tendon System
Supervisor(s): Dr. Prachand Man Pradhan
Title of the Thesis: Study on the Effects of Landslides on Sedimentation in Watershed Management of Kavre District
Supervisor(s): Dr. Prachand Man Pradhan, Dr. Hari Krishna Shrestha
Title of the Thesis: Urban Water Security: The Cases of Two Cities in Nepal
Supervisor(s): Dr. Chandra Lal Pandey, Prof. Roshan Bajracharya
Title of the Thesis: Political Economy of Public Policy Process in Federal Nepal
Supervisor(s): Prof. Sagar Raj Sharma, Uddav Pyakurel, Chandra Lal Pandey
Title of the Thesis: Contextualizing Interventions for Out-of-school Children: A Cluster Randomized Control Trial Assessment
Supervisor(s): Megh Raj Dangal, Binayak Thapa, Niraj Poudel
Title of the Thesis: Intervening through Extracurricular Activities to Increase Student Participation and Identification in Nepali Public Schools
Supervisor(s): Megh Raj Dangal, Binayak Thapa, Niraj Poudel
Title of the Thesis: Cross Linguistic Variations in Visual Narratives: A Study of Selected Comics and Graphics Literature
Supervisor(s): Abhi subedi, Prof. Sagar R. Sharma
Title of the Thesis: Mediated Scandals: Who's Interest? Exploring Journalists' Perception and Performance on Corruption Scandals in Nepali Press
Supervisor(s): Prof. Sagar Raj Sharma,, Nirmala M. Adhikari,, Dr. Hem Raj kafle