Tanka Prasad Dahal
Title of the Thesis: Responsible Land Governance for Food Security: Analyzing from Land use planning perspective
Supervisor(s): Dr. Purna Bahadur Nepali, Dr. Reshma Shrestha
Title of the Thesis: Responsible Land Governance for Food Security: Analyzing from Land use planning perspective
Supervisor(s): Dr. Purna Bahadur Nepali, Dr. Reshma Shrestha
Title of the Thesis: Monitoring rice cropland and yield estimation using multi-sensor, multi-templar datasets and citizen science approach
Supervisor(s): Dr. Jaganath Aryal, Prof. Dr. Rijan Bhakta Kayastha
Title of the Thesis: Pathways to 100% Renewable Energy in Nepal
Supervisor(s): Dr. Sunil Prashad Lohani, Prof. Andrew Blakers (ANU)
Title of the Thesis: Technical and Environmental Assessment of Household Biodigester in Nepal
Supervisor(s): Dr. Sunil Lohani
Title of the Thesis: Parametric Study Membrane Electrode Assemblies of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells
Supervisor(s): Dr. Biraj Singh Thapa
Title of the Thesis: Devlopment of Sediment Erosion Model for Francis Turbines
Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Bhola Thapa, Dr. Sailesh Chitrakar
Title of the Thesis: Optimization of Variable Speed Francis Turbines for Sediment Laden Projects
Supervisor(s): Professor Hari Prasad Neopane, Dr. Sailesh Chitrakar, Professor Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug
Title of the Thesis: Development of variable speed Francis turbines for sediment laden Projects
Supervisor(s): Prof.Dr.Hari P.Neopane
Title of the Thesis: Energy Efficiency Aspects in Public Buildings
Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Bibek Baral