Gobinda Puri
Title of the Thesis: Enhancing University Teachers' Research and Writing Skills through Mentoring: Participatory Action Research
Supervisor(s): Dr. Hemraj Kafle
Title of the Thesis: Enhancing University Teachers' Research and Writing Skills through Mentoring: Participatory Action Research
Supervisor(s): Dr. Hemraj Kafle
Title of the Thesis: Curriculum English Language Curriculum Development and Implementation: A Mixed Method Study of Community Schools in Nepal
Supervisor(s): Dr. Hemraj Kafle
Title of the Thesis: Educational Philosophy and Transdisciplinary Approach in Tertiary-Level English Language Curricula in the Universities of Nepal
Supervisor(s): Dr. Hem Raj Kafle
Title of the Thesis: Recontextualizing the Collectiv Culture Praxis through the Hybridity of Indigenous and Modern Knowlegde in Art Education in Nepal: A Postcolonial Inquiry
Supervisor(s): Prof.Dr. Bal Chandra Luitel
Title of the Thesis: Journey Towards Enhancing School Teachers' Transversal Skills: AN ATTĀ-JĀTI-VICĀRA
Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr.Bal Chandra Luitel
Title of the Thesis: Learning Culture in Science Classroom: A Critical Ethnography of a Public School in Nepal
Supervisor(s): Prof.Dr. Bal Chandra Luitel
Title of the Thesis: Financial toxicity and treatment compliance in cancer patients: A mixed methods study in Nepal
Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr Bal Chandra Luitel, Roshani Rajbanshi
Title of the Thesis: Effectiveness of Digital Advisory Services in Nepal through Human Centric Approach
Supervisor(s): Dr. Sudhamshu Dahal
Title of the Thesis: Eastern and Western Philosophy in The Razor's Edge
Supervisor(s): Dr. Ganesh Baral
Title of the Thesis: "Manuscript to early-printed Nepali Books: Reshaping the writing culture in Nepali society"
Supervisor(s): Prof. Shanker Thapa, Dr. Nirmala Mani Adhikary